Afghanistan future after US leaves- PRI radio panel, “To the Point,” on Feb 18, 2014 with NY Times reporter in Kabul, Brookings Institution’s Michael O’Hanlon, an Afghan Women’s Rights Activist, and Juergensmeyer.
Afghanistan future after US leaves- PRI radio panel, “To the Point,” on Feb 18, 2014 with NY Times reporter in Kabul, Brookings Institution’s Michael O’Hanlon, an Afghan Women’s Rights Activist, and Juergensmeyer.
Mark’s new book: see it here
You can purchase this book at UC Press
For streaming video of the lectures, click on the following link
and scroll down to Feb 21-23 2006.
This interview on UCTV aired Dec 10 2007. It focuses on Ambassador Barbara Bodine’s career and her experience as the first US official in charge of reconstruction in Baghdad after the Iraq invasion. You can see it below.
You can see Mark’s interview on his book Global Rebellion by going to the UC Press listing and clicking on the Audio/Video Tab.
You can see this interview below
Forum 2000, Prague, October 2008. You can see the video here.
You can see the trailer for this film below